Corporate Values
Teamwork and professionalism
We are committed to a cooperative work environment in which collegiality, administrative and professional work ethics prevail.
Governance and Transparency
We value transparency, integrity, accountability and legal compliance in corporate governance"
We pursue customer happiness through various channels of service delivery and work to delight the community by successfully contributing to addressing its expectations regarding the services provided.
We conserve resources and work to achieve the sustainable development goals focused on man and the environment.
Security and safety
Customers and community safety is our priority and the core of our services, health and engineering requirements.
Organizational Agility
We adopt proactiveness and innovation to achieve pioneering and enhance competitiveness.
Strategic Goals
Develop innovative municipal policies and regulations.
Enhance environmental sustainability in urban planning and development.
Regulate lands registration and real estate development systems.
Provide excellent municipal services and improve customer experience.
Ensure public health and safety.
Manage municipal assets of properties and resources efficiently.
Strengthen business and communal relationship.
Improve corporate support services and enhance innovation culture.